Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Last Month.....

I haven't had the chance to sit down and write in some time now. The blarring of Chunk from The Goonies voice is on the TV behind me as I flip my perfectly golden egg-white omelette...My toast smells lightly browned, and the heat from the oven slips out and into my face as I open the door to retrieve the buttery potato bread. I just now realize I haven't turned the TV on at home in probably a month. Maybe longer. My legs hurt, and I haven't been to the gym in 5 days. I feel old, and am waiting for gray hairs to pop through my scalp, and for a doctors visit that is laden with blood pressure medicine. The last month has been a whirlwind of excitement. I am more behind on laundry and cleaning than I ever thought imaginable, and I have been a bad friend, brother, son and Uncle. So, sorry guys. Our sandwich shop,the 3Way Cafe transformed from merely an idea into a restaurant, and it happened through dedication, working 18 hour days and ceaseless vision. We opened this past Monday, and I was exhausted after having worked all weekend at Baxter's, then spent 12 hours on Sunday prepping the kitchen - making soups and sauces, and portioning meats for what would be our first lunch the next morning. I made a Southwest Broccoli and Cheese Soup, and Chix Tortilla garnished with fresh Salsa, and a Balsamic Glazed French Onion Soup. After about a week, I realized how old it can become to make three soups everyday in an unorganized and cluttered kitchen. Everyday as we were closing up, my soups simmered away, and as I pulled my phone out to check the time, I had a handful of missed calls, twice as many text messages, and knew I was going to be late for work at Baxter's. I have always said, well, that's the life of a restaurant manager. Now, I can atleast replace manager with "owner". Hard work and dedication pays off. This is only the beginning....

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay Chris!! :) You are quite an impressive dude! You're motivated & accomplished! It's kinda awesome just knowing you. :)
